The university began as the Carnegie Technical Schools founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1900. In 1912, the school became the Carnegie Institute of Technology and began granting four-year degrees. In 1967, the Carnegie Institute of Technology merged with the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research to form Carnegie Mellon University. The university's 140-acre (57 ha) main campus is 3 miles (4.8 km) from Downtown Pittsburgh and abuts the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, the main branch of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, the Carnegie Music Hall, Schenley Park, Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, the Pittsburgh Golf Club, and the campus of the University of Pittsburgh in the city's Oakland and Squirrel Hill neighborhoods, partially extending into Shadyside.Carnegie Mellon has seven colleges and independent schools: the College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mellon College of Science, Tepper School of Business, H. John Hein
College and the School of Computer Science.Carnegie Mellon fields 17 varsity athletic teams, most of which compete in the University Athletic Association conference of1 History1.1 Institutional formation2 Campus2.1 Campus architecture and design2.2 Distinction through technology2.3 Present3 Admissions4 Rankings and reputation5 International activities6 In popular culture7 Schools and divisions7.1 Collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh 8 Research9 Alumni and faculty10 Student life10.1 Traditions10.2 Housing10.3 Fraternities and sororities11 Athletics11.1 Football11.1.1 Bowl game and AP rankings11.1.2 Decline and resurgence11.1.3 Modern achievements11.2 Track and cross country11.3 Volleyball11.4 Cricket12 See also13 Notes and references14 External links
College and the School of Computer Science.Carnegie Mellon fields 17 varsity athletic teams, most of which compete in the University Athletic Association conference of1 History1.1 Institutional formation2 Campus2.1 Campus architecture and design2.2 Distinction through technology2.3 Present3 Admissions4 Rankings and reputation5 International activities6 In popular culture7 Schools and divisions7.1 Collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh 8 Research9 Alumni and faculty10 Student life10.1 Traditions10.2 Housing10.3 Fraternities and sororities11 Athletics11.1 Football11.1.1 Bowl game and AP rankings11.1.2 Decline and resurgence11.1.3 Modern achievements11.2 Track and cross country11.3 Volleyball11.4 Cricket12 See also13 Notes and references14 External links